Doctor Who

Not a fan of the New Year’s episode. :sleepy:

The true Rusty the Dalek looked great but that was the one and only highlight for me. I gave up on it being a decent episode the moment Lin goes off on her own in a sewer, sees a Dalek and goes up and touches it. Because that’s something an actual human would do. 🤦


I loved the action sequence in the car, that was brilliant!

And the jab at Brexit… well played, Chibnall.

Judoon, Cybermen, Racnoss (I think) and Stephen Fry :popcorn:


Choice of music aside, that trailer’s made me excited! :star_struck:

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:hugs::hugs::hugs: I’d forgotten how great Jodie and this set of companions are! Can’t wait. :grin:

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Omg!!! Can’t wait.

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To no one’s surprise, it’s New Year’s Day! (But again, what’s with the music choice :sleepy:)

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RACNOSS!!!(Guess she survived the drowning from the 10th Doctor episode?)

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Looks fun! Though I’d watch it even if it looked crap. I’ve watched all of the modern series since it started in 2005, and I’m not stopping for anything.

I was 7 when it started again. I can still just about remember watching it.


Sad to say I remember William Hartnell as the first Dr. in the first episode. R-


The first episode was written by @icedcoffee’s uncle! :raised_hands:


Forget Christmas, I’m waiting for new year

and as I’m doing the reverse penny challenge, I’ve been technically counting down all year :mindblown:

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So, who’s ready for Season 12? The first episode is starting in like 20 minutes I think :raised_hands:

Sadly I’m working til midnight, so won’t be able to watch it until then, but I’m so excited!

For anyone watching live… No spoilers please!

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Me :raising_hand_woman:

Fire lit, pizza in the oven, so almost ready

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On record - dinner first. R-

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Fire lit most of the afternoon - very toasty here now. R-

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I don’t trust O

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Avoid all spoilers because it will totally ruin it


Didn’t expect that, but maybe I’m too naive.