Collected Thoughts on Card Design (Part 2)

I work at Heathrow Airport so everyday I take the Express from Paddington to Terminal 5. So I have a fair few express tickets.

ICICI bank I actually used last week. It’s a odd card with a shit app but its funny to use. Cater Allen I have used maybe once this year. I have £20 in the account and I use it sometimes for tapping on and off the underground just to put some history on it.

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I liked the look of the card but they wanted me to call a branch when I was in Asia so I left it.

The Cater Allen card does look classy and I could link it to my Santander app. Not sure if it’s worth it though!

(Tell a lie I can’t see cater Allen on Santander’s list?)

Some cards from Bank of China (Australia). Love them!

And a less nice card, but cute panda and kangaroo.


I assume there’s a discount for airport workers and you’re not spending a massive wodge of your salary on getting to work!

Are you actually loyal to any one bank?

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I’m more interested in banks being loyal to me :slight_smile:


Ummmm not really.

I mean my main salary source has been going into Monzo for around 2 years now.

But I switch Banks all the time and change up my apple wallet and physical wallet.


Your £4k CoOp overdraft might be the reason if they’re looking across your potential relationship with the CoOp. You could get their savings account though.

Yeah i might look at getting their Savings Card.

But it’s possible my £4k overdraft with Co-Op is the issue. But it’s odd that every other bank is fine with my having lending facilities but they are not.

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Other banks might be ok about it, but maybe £4k is the maximum that CoOp think you’re good for and therefore don’t want to add another £1k or whatever via Smile.

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Smile is only £500 needed. Am I not good enough for that :rofl:

Out of interest, why so much overdraft across your accounts? It’s a very expensive way of borrowing…

As i said earlier I don’t actually touch the overdraft.

Just like having it their just in case

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£500 perhaps, £4500 by the looks of it, no.

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True maybe I have reached the limit as to what Co-Op is prepared to give out.

Back in the US I am loyal to Navy Federal, USAA and SoFi.

In the UK I am loyal to Nationwide and HSBC (maybe more looking around)


Go this new Barclays card today. I don’t think I like the redesign apart from the fact that it’s not embossed anymore as it technically occupies space of 2 cards in a slim wallet.
What I think would have been nice is that they should have kept the old design, with just the card details at the back which would make it flush-design.


I don’t understand the portrait design because people usually use contactless most of the days and usually tap it at 45 or 90 degree angle. This just makes it weird to look at.
It makes sense for people who use folio case or portrait orientation wallets. I’d personally prefer the landscape orientation.

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Arrived today


Can you still customise it :eyes:

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