Coin Jar Feedback Thread

Yeah that would work, it’s not a huge issue, it was just weird to suddenly see pennies in my account when it was a round number.

Hi there,

Would be great to be able to choose how much to round-up by. Personally I’d love to round up to the nearest £5 to be able to save more ‘aggressively’.

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The coin jar works on the first notification of the transaction, which is the authorisation. Unfortunately this doesn’t extend to the presentment when the money is collected and the exchange rate settles.

I don’t think we have a plan right now, but we definitely want to flesh out pots some more!

Would be good if the money that was rounded up was somehow included in your monthly targets. As in if I spend £2.40 on groceries and 60p went into the coin jar, If you went into targets it would say £3 spent of your groceries target rather than the £2.40 it would say now

I would rather know how much I spent on Groceries against my target spend :slight_smile: if you only spent £1.99 on groceries every time you bought groceries you know you’ve spent £1.99 or £2 (in your wish case) on groceries , if I spent £1.01 on Groceries I would have spent £2 on groceries which wouldn’t reflect what I spent on groceries ??? :slight_smile:


Ye I get that, maybe a category called savings, where it puts everything that goes into your coin jar/ pots down as that category.

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For me, I’d really like the ability to categorise transfers in and out of Pots. For example, if I cycle rather than take the tube, I might put the equivalent of the tube fare into a Pot, but categorise it as Transport, just so I can keep on top of my allocated budget for the month.


Coin jar has been working just fine for me, but then I used Tesco Pay @ Pump and nothing went into my coin jar. I know it is quite an edge case, but is there an issue with preauthorised transactions?

I think this is because coin jar only works on the £1 authorisation ‘payment’ it sees instantly. So it doesn’t then get amended the next day when the actual amount you spent on petrol appears in the feed.


I’m not sure if this came up earlier in the thread, but I’d really like it to round up only if the payment was over £x.50p. If I spend £1.02 I don’t want 98p taken from my account. I turned off my Coin Jar because it ended up taking way more than I’d expected over a couple of weeks usage and I just ended up moving it all back into my main account anyway, so there wasn’t really any benefit. If it was smaller amounts, I’d be more likely to forget about it longer term.


Hey, I’ve noticed a bug in Coin Jar. Suddenly it’s started skipping some transactions and doesn’t round up the numbers anymore. Look at the image I’ve pasted, it was supposed to take money for the Tesco transaction but didn’t.


The transaction needs to be over £1 :slight_smile:


Oh yeah! That’s it then. Thanks! :blush:


Any update from the Monzo team as to when we are going to be able to hide Coin Jar transactions, or at the very least make them look better? I’ve had to turn off Coin Jar because I can’t deal with the clutter on my transaction feed :moneybag:

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That’s wrapped into a few other things for the future apparently so won’t be around in the immediate future I don’t think. I’m not sure what thread that information lives on though.

OK thanks! I did see some mock ups on a thread somewhere recently. Guess I’ll have to leave Coin Jar off until it’s implemented :confused:

Hi there, is there anyway to edit the picture if using android? Cant seem to obviously find a way to do this?

Is it possibel to take coin jar out of feed yet? i’d like to forget I have it

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It’s also probably worth putting this in the Coin Jar feedback thread rather than a new one :wink:

The link is here…

Continuing the discussion from Coin Jar Feedback Thread:
