Coffee ☕

Earlier today I ordered the Christmas blend from my usual source :christmas_tree:

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Do you get the beans or ground from them? I ended up switching to quarter horse as I kept finding whole beans in my ground coffee order from RAVE…

Whole beans :muscle:

What you described must have been annoying!

I get that not everyone has a grinder but it still makes me sad inside when people buy quality beans pre ground :frowning:.


A good grinder is on my list. But my last big purchase for now is an OLED monitor and then I want to concentrate on getting my finances in order to hopefully purchase a flat next year… Once that’s done upping my coffee game is the next thing on my list :rofl:

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Make sure you post about that in the tech thread. I’d be interested in knowing which you go for. There are many options out there now.

Back to coffee, we have the Sage Creatista Plus. We couldn’t be happier but I am still bitter that I purchased it at full price, without realising that Amazon are forever discounting it by as much as 40%. My timing was clearly bad.

Sage are doing a Black Friday offer

Bean to cup, its the way forward, if you were in the market I would see if amazon warehouse do a discount over BF and get one on that, I got one from them for a steal a few years ago at £330.

All those Nespresso machines seem to output the same thing. And the brown liquid that comes out doesn’t really taste like coffee.

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Brilliant. I just checked my emails to see how much I paid for it… I should have waited.

We live and learn.


That price you could have had a proper machine bean to cup without the whole Nespresso thing although you may really really love nespresso over beans :+1:

How much are your pods per cup?

I like Nespesso. And yes, evidently I did overpay, given how much cheaper it is today. :sweat_smile:

I’ve actually no idea how much the pods cost, my partner does the shopping. I probably get through about 6-8 pods per day though.

Who knows, I may enjoy bean to cup even more, but I’m certainly not going to spend again.

If you like Nespresso, stick with what you know and love :+1:

Whenever you’re in the market for a new machine, or ready to explore other options, there are plently of coffee nerds on here to help - me being one :grin:

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6-8 pods is worse than my monster/redbull addiction….

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Having just been told by my partner that we pay almost 50p a pod, I am not impressed.

I had a figure of less than half that in my mind. I mean even if I average 7 pods a day, that’s over £100 per month we are spending… :flushed:

How much is bean to cup, per cup?

They are doing well out of this, our pod spend is soon going to exceed the machine cost. Nice business model clearly.

6-8 cups of coffee per day isn’t that unusual? I thought I was pretty average there.

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I mean the people I know at work drink at max 5 a day. But that doesn’t mean anything :joy:

I work from home most days though, so it’s the convenience factor of running downstairs to the machine in between conference calls.

I reckon if people actually kept a tally, most would be surprised by how many cups they drink.

I’m sticking with the claim that I’m average. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hard to say, but they’re certainly a lot more cost effective.

Obviously less waste too and typically they’re fresher and taste better if you buy based on roasted date.

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