Coffee ☕

cries in fresh coffee not being fresh

I joke. I go through 1kg every 4 weeks (or so), and like to mix it up. Rave was alright, but didn’t rate it that high :see_no_evil:

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I have a consistent 2 cup a day habit. So consistency isn’t this issue for me. I just want some interesting coffee that reinvigorates my love for it. :sweat_smile:

I was gonna go back to Pact but I no longer get qualify for the founders discount. So thought it would be a good time to have an explore of others. The market seems to have ballooned for roasters in the UK since I first went down the “real” coffee route!

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I used to subscribe to Rave - went through about 1kg of their fudge blend a month.
Now I get Square Mile Red Brick on subscription which is just a bit more interesting and not much more expensive

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Really wish I liked coffee, Love the smell of it.


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L’OR Artiste Vigoroso 8 :+1:

Currently £4 instead of £7

Could be my new favourite, night need to stock up :sweat_smile:

My new coffee arrived today too


Since there is a lot of coffee chat in the greggs/pret topic, I have never been a fan of coffee, Have only ever tried the likes of Nescafe gold when I was younger which was horrible so have never tried another in my whole adult life.

I do love the smell of coffee however, so is there any recommendations of coffee to try for a newbie? that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

Find a local coffee place. Prepare to pay £3 for a decent coffee but for your first go it’ll be worth it.

Instant coffee isn’t really coffee. It’s caffeine.

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Maybe just try all the different forms? Espresso, filter, something milky, iced latte, Americano, instant, cold brew (doesn’t have to be cold!), see if you like any of them. There’s so many ways it’s served now. If you don’t like any you can confidently say you aren’t a coffee person


Wait wut.

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haha fair enough, seen my boss get himself a white chocolate coffee a few months ago from starbucks :nauseated_face: one thing I won’t try.

Two things I would suggest you try:

Cold brew.
Coffee ice cream.

When I was at the start of my coffee journey, these were the flavours that were more palatable to me. I think the big thing was they lacked bitterness, which was the part which initially appeared off-putting about coffee the hot drink.

(I’d also add that if you never develop the taste for hot coffee that’s ok too.)


£3? :eyes: It is over £4 in some places in Bristol and according to this article it could be going to £5 soon… (small mention of Monzo too).

True, I’m like those politicians who don’t know the price of a pint :rofl:


Cold brew is the absolute pinnacle of quality coffee imo, as it’s brewed cold there’s no bitterness and it maximises the sweetness and flavour of the beans.

You make a sort of concentrate, it can be heated up or (more likely) hot water or milk can be added to make a hot drink. It’s the brew that needs to be done cold!


Looks like Ninja is launching a new coffee machine :eyes: Ninja Luxe Premier Espresso, Cold Brew & Filter Coffee Machine

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For that price you could just get a sage one that is probably going to be better?

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I’ve got a sage and I’m tempted by the ninja if anything were ever to happen to Sagey boi.

The ability to brew drip coffee and cold brew alongside espresso, and intelligent grind / milk frothing actually looks good.

Even James Hoffman didn’t hate it so that’s high praise.

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I’d rather have the Sage for good espresso and a separate solution for drip cofee.

The Ninja feels like a real entry level machine for people who want an automated experience and a jack of all trades.

But you pays your money…