Chase UK Chat

It may be different in England now, but here in NI, there is a post office in every village shop, and many of them are open 7 days 8 to 8 or similar hours, so it’s still very convenient to use them for cash. I have yet to see a PayPoint here (although I am aware it’s a totally different market here and also we are in the sticks).


I wonder if anyone will slate it as much as they slated monzo for not being post office.


I wonder how much of the problem was Paypoint vs Post office, or the charges. Most people are used to personal bank accounts being free to deposit cash


Only traditional banks with branches though, this would always have been a problem with online-only banks. It worked with first direct because you could use HSBC but even that broke with their switch to Mastercard (well, using the machines to pay in at least).

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Monzo also charged (charge?) I never used it after giving up on one attempt, but if they charge, I won’t even bother and stick to staring to deposit at the PO.


Ahh so if it had been free everyone would have loved it….

Probably not? I won’t ever use it because I was burnt by a couple of bad experiences with PayPoint and monzo but I don’t see that many people complaining about PayPoint here these days, I assume because they’ve given up trying.

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I guess it depends in you look at monzo like a payment card, or your main bank account

PayPoint is so convenient for me that I exclusively pay into Monzo now when I do receive cash. Chase will take over another Monzo function. Soon it’ll just be shared tabs.

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There would still have been teething issues, and variability between outlets of course. But i think when your charging for a service expectations are higher than free services


If the outlet doesn’t take the cash you don’t get charged.

Off topic but happy commuversary

Edit: oh never mind, that’s permanent

However I’ve never tried a pay point, I don’t ever want to from what I’ve heard

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I have a couple post office points in town and a shop I’m content with. Free cash withdrawal too, but if I want to take cash out the other shops, it’s £1.99 :melting_face:

Must cost a pretty penny to go straight to post office.


Who has cash now days? :man_shrugging:t2: I do everything via Apple Pay.


One of the other changes…

This makes sense, as I’ve never used my card. And I’ve wondered for a while why we still receive cards when most people use Apple Pay (or Google Pay).

  • We’ve explained that we may, in some circumstances, decide not to re-issue a replacement debit card when your debit card expires. This might be the case if, for example, you’ve not used your debit card for a long time before its expiry. Further information will be available in app and on our website when the changes take effect."

It’s probably not true that “most” people do, certainly not to the degree that not sending a card becomes the default, as there are a lot of people without smartphones or who don’t understand/want to use mobile payments and other times you may need the card. But there could be a common feature of all banks to have an option to request not to have one.

Do Chase send out a new plastic card when it expires? As it doesn’t have any numbers on it, and as they can also change the card number in-app while retaining use of the existing plastic card, I would have thought they didn’t have to. Am I understanding how the numberless card works wrongly?

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Not sure if they mean not using physical card, but probably the card at all. Id guess to avoid incurring costs for dormant customers, like those who joined gir cashback and stopped using it when the offer ended

The numberless card still has a set of baked-in card details (card number, expiry, etc).

The virtual card is smoke and mirrors in this sense, they’re not connected at all.

You’ve essentially got two sets of card details, one that can be easily changed and one that’s harder to compromise because they’re not visible. But they’re on the card and can’t be updated except by receiving a new card.


Nobody will know yet, they only launched in September 2021 so nobody’s card has naturally expired yet. I imagine they still will because cards don’t expire because the 16 digit number has to change, but the security code will, so I can’t see why they wouldn’t send one.

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