More card controls / freeze functionality

It’s already been stated elsewhere that this isn’t possible due to the nature and timings of the data flows associated with card transactions.


It wouldn’t. But the overwhelming majority of transactions are online today.

I’m not strictly sure this is true, there could be ways to do it. E.g. by making you open the app and press a button that unlocks the card for five minutes.

Wouldn’t this be the same as manually freezing and unfreezing your card?

I beilive @Feathers is talking about the response time MasterCard require when monzo are presented with an auth request.
They must respond with an decision within 800ms I beilive?

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I’m in agreement with @tomsr. It would be a cool feature but one that I wouldn’t use or see the need for. The card freezing option is suffice for me but happy to be convinced otherwise :slight_smile:

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Yes, I’m just proposing a workaround. It would be similar, except it would automatically ‘re-freeze’ five minutes or so after unfreezing, or after a single transaction.

BTW - it’s a terrible user experience and a terrible idea, but so is anything requiring on-device approval at the point of sale… Imagine the queues of angry people…


A few use cases I can think of off the top of my head:

Freezing all card payments accept mobile wallet payments

  • Gives people the ability to use Apple/Google Pay when their card goes missing without worrying that their card might have been stolen without having to unfreeze their card every time they want to make a purchase, which is an unpleasant UX and may not be possible if they don’t have good internet connection.

  • Feature would be especially useful if someone loses their card on holiday abroad or on a short trip away somewhere. They can easily continue to use Apple/Google Pay then collect their new card when they return home.

  • Feature would also be useful if someone is out when their card is stolen - after seeing the first fraudulent transaction they could freeze their card, then unfreeze their mobile wallet and continue with the rest of their night.

Disable contactless payments

  • I know a few people who really hate contactless (they think it makes spending too easy for them). They’d love to be able to disable it.

With how it is setup currently, I thought that if you froze your card you could still use Apple/Google pay anyway?

Good shout on disabling contactless though. I can see why some people may want to do that :+1:

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unfortunately not :frowning:


I would love to see more card controls available, it does seem that others offer more functionality in that vein and it would certainly be of interest to me as a customer.

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I would like the option to block more categories than Gambling. I’d like the option to decline fast food after I’ve reached my budget on that.

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Lloyds have recently added this too, seems like a very handy feature if you misplace your card, suspect your card details have been stolen but can’t get a replacement right away, or as a general added layer of secutiry.


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I asked previously if there was any liklihood of toggles to disable things like online transactions, contactless etc. Seeing the unfortunate thread about the Monzo user who had his card stolen in Mexico I’m interested to know if there is any progress?

I don’t carry my Monzo card on holiday due to this lack of security. I have to carry a credit card for car rental and that’s bother enough. Additionally I have Revolut & TransferWise with everything I’m not going to use disabled.

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Hey @Davera, I’ve moved your post on the excellent suggestion of @Ordog. This’ll hopefully keep all of the conversation in the same place and give the thread a helpful bump!

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I too would really like these features to be implemented and feel this is something the monzo card is lacking. Hopefully the Monzo team will consider this in the future.


Disabling contactless would be ideal. Had a shopkeeper in Rome take my card off me and tap it, only for me to realise that I’d been charged more than the actual price for what I’d bought.


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Excellent, the more that do the higher the chance we have of Monzo implementing it :sunglasses:

Pretty much all my cards offer this service I kind of think of it as something that’s a basic service these days