Apple TV+

Silo ep 9 :raised_hands:t3:

Shame itā€™s the final ep next week :worried:

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Yeah, might have to read the books if I canā€™t wait for the next seasonā€¦

Iā€™ve never read a book :flushed:

Honestly Iā€™ve been disappointed with this season, feels like they really took their foot off the gas this time round.

They make a point of explaining that nobody in the Silo knows how to swim, and then spend every other episode of season 2 with Juliette underwater? :man_facepalming:

The entire Juliette/Solo side quest seems to have been an incredibly long-winded way to explain that the bottom of Silo 18 isnā€™t as wet as the bottom of Silo 17 is because they have pumps that we never knew existed :man_shrugging:

The whole season feels like the video game equivalent of falling down a hole partway through a mission and wasting a load of time in an underground level, only to emerge almost exactly where you fell before you can actually carry on the game. :sweat_smile:

And the secret door?! ā€œActually yeah one other guy did get to this part of the game really early on but it was too soon so I sent him away to level up and he diedā€ :joy:

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I highly recommend it, the books are way better.


Just received this email from Lumon Industries:

I love this kind of marketing.


I got that, too. Just saw the subject header on my watch and wondered who the hell they were!

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Iā€™m thinking Iā€™d better watch S1 again before Friday.

I recall loving it. Canā€™t recall anything about it.


Definitely going to do the same. The reviews for series 2 look to be brilliant again so seems like it was worth the wait!

Apple TV+ has been releasing so many great shows recently! Easily the service with the highest quality shows


I always watch the final episode of the previous series when a new series of anything starts because I can never remember what happened. Even the catch-up on the first episode is confusing if I donā€™t.


I usually watch a recap on YouTube.

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Apple is usually pretty good, Silo had a catch up at the start of season 2 I think.

The morning show also did by memory.


Apple does seem to put more effort into a season recap than other services.


Just finished watching The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey. I would recommend it.

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Yes, I enjoyed that too. Always been a fan of Samuel L Jackson.

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Iā€™ve never seen him play a part like that before. He played it pretty well.

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Silo finale.

Am I supposed to be this confused?

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Which bit confused you?

The last 5 mins or so.

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Yeah, I had to watch this to work out what Iā€™d just seen.

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