App feature "unlocks" (eg Pulse)

Apologies if this is in the wrong section - I had a quick look through the forum for similar posts but couldn’t see any…

So I’ve been using the Beta card and app for 2-3 weeks so far. After a little while I get a notification that I’ve unlocked a new feature (Pulse)


After a bit longer I got another notification saying I’d unlocked another feature (ooh!), but the notification didn’t say what and when I opened the app it still didn’t tell me what I’d unlocked and I can’t see anything different.

So my question / suggestion is… How about a page in-app that lists all the features that can / have been unlocked?

A few other apps gamify the user experience, which helps “incentivise” them to use the app more.

Or where can I see what features I can unlock?

Ta :slight_smile:

The second one I unlocked was search if that helps?

You are totally right, we’re not giving you any predictability over the features that will unlock. The reason for that is that we haven’t built them yet :slight_smile:

Once we have a good set of features we’ll revisit the whole onboarding to see what’s the best way to incentivise use of the app/card and communicate all the benefits of the product. Lots of room to improve :sweat_smile:


I actually like being surprised by what I unlock so I’d better stay clear of spoiler threads :tada:

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