App Evolution (new look Monzo app): Feedback Megathread 📣

It’s Monzo designed by someone with zero UX experience.

Monzo gets complaints about being “busy” let alone this!


Not the return of the pulse graph :face_vomiting:

Payday :chart_with_upwards_trend: bills go out :chart_with_downwards_trend: :yawning_face:


The pulse graph belongs in the bin, leave it be


Mine both happen for me on 1st of the month, so pulse graph literally zero use to me :rofl:

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Surely the rest of your monthly outgoings would be shown on the pulse? @PaulUK

No, Bob. I do zero-based budgeting.

Balance on payday minus 1 is £0

Payday. Income arrives at 01:00

Standing orders and direct debits then leave over the next four or five hours.

Balance when I wake up = £0

Nothing for the graph. Flatlines for rest of the month.

Maybe this has been discussed already earlier in the thread, but given pots have been using square images now for a almost a couple of years, why does the app crop images to a rectangular shape when you upload a custom image? Could you either crop to square or leave the image in the uploaded shape?


Its so frustrating. I upload an image that is square, that is then cropped to a rectangle, which then gets cropped to back to a square. I keep having to add a border to my pot images to make sire it fits properly.

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Anyone else noticed that cards, sections, etc have gotten rounder borders recently?