App Evolution (new look Monzo app): Feedback Megathread 📣

Think that’s part of the reason why they do it lol

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To see who uses it and who doesn’t; and whether it’s worth full rollout or further development.


And then paywall it. :joy:


I enjoy A/B testing at work because even the smallest changes can lead to surprisingly unexpected results.


I haven’t specifically “hidden” the pots section.
It disappears when I archive the last pot, and reappears when I create one.

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I would like to be able to

  • turn off the pots widget
  • change the order of widgets

Me too. Wasn’t this supposed to be ‘coming soon’ about a hundred years ago?

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Could the FSCS message potentially be moved? It’s alright where it currently is, but there’s a perfectly good FSCS-message sized space in the Settings menu…

Like this ^^

Could definitely fit in the space down here \/

Just seems like it would work better in that space, and people will still be able to easily access it. Or perhaps you could put it in this menu, where I’ve highlighted in red?? Clicking this could take you to a page all about FSCS @ Monzo :monzooo:

(Just my own thoughts, feel free to have a different opinion)

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Some people don’t trust monzo as a bank, so with that in the Home Screen while using their “monzo travel card” on holidays may give them more confidence.


I sincerely hope so