Android Pay comes to the Monzo current account!

Afaik they aren’t allowed to discuss the implementation/contracts at all :confused:

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More confusing is that Barclays etc all announced way before the launch that they were working on it.

That would do exactly that. You can’t even mention you are working on it.

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Barclays are also one of the biggest banks in the world. Apple wanted them on the platform.


Whilst the primary focus is most certainly on the Current Account, it’s pretty common practice for companies with a reasonably sized development team to be working on multiple things at once.

On top of that these are things that require the use of one team over another, and there are teams that can’t work on anything until another team has finished, so it’s understandable that the Android dev team are able to work on something that is almost entirely Android focused whilst the backend team carry on with the current account.

The same thing is probably happening with the iOS team however I’m not sure what Apple’s rules are with regards to NDA and also allowing Apple Pay using an app that is technically still in beta as it’s being distributed through TestFlight. We’ll be more likely to see this when the current account is merged into the main app

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Android budgeting - I sell this to friends as a marquee feature but was shocked to learn it wasn’t there when I switched from iOS to Android. Not sure why this is a low priority feature.

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All better now :blush: (I hope!)

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This is true for all features we have 100% control over. In the occasional instance where we are working with third parties on a feature, (or at least coordinating a release) that may not always be possible.


Thanks for the responses!

I really dislike Apple. I wish I didn’t prefer their products! :persevere:


Thanks for the response!

I’ll direct my frustrations at Apple then :wink:

At least I now have two more reasons to move to Google’s ecosystem: 1) Android Pay support for Monzo; 2) Apple’s frustrating secrecy around these kinds of things.


To my understanding, an Apple NDA would prevent you talking about it at all., not even to acknowledge you’re working on it, never mind the possible timescales. Frustrating, but it would tie Monzo’s hands entirety - they could only talk about it once Apple are happy for them to release it.



Please stop hounding the Monzo team for an answer. Apple has very strict non disclosure agreements (I should know!) and if they are found to breach them, then Monzo may pull the plug on Apple Pay plus jeopardise any potential partnerships in future.

iOS users have had a fair slice of the Monzo feature pie for a while now. Let’s give the Android users a turn.

Monzo are building a better bank for everyone not just select users. Let’s wait for them to do their work and be wowed when it all comes together.

Peace :v:

P.S I am also an iOS user.


Yeah it definitely seems Monzo can’t provide us with any further information due to Apple’s policies. Monzo’s transparency is brilliant when they can be transparent, so I’ll keep that in mind.

I guess I’ll just continue to carry a physical wallet around for a bit longer. Monzo make it worth it with their extra features over Starling and other competitors (notes on transactions being a big one for me).

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Can I just say Thank you Monzo :mondo: :heart:
Here is to all the people genuinely working hard to get things done.


Despite my complaints (really directed at Apple), I would like to say I think it’s absolutely brilliant Monzo have prioritised mobile NFC payments to be able to get them out just as the current account is rolling out. Thanks for all of your hard work, Monzo team! :muscle:t3::tada:


Let’s hope Apple Pay is a 2018 milestone. I’m not jealous just a little gutted we have to wait longer than our lesser android associates :slightly_frowning_face:.

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It could still come this year.

Thanks for clearing this up. Was looking for some official comment.

When android pay is integrated in to the Monzo app I wonder if it will affect me as I already use contactles but with my Monzo current account card and a Vodafone contactles sim?

I’d prefer to keep using that with my android handset as I do not even have to flick the power button to use it so screen off.