Android pay card suspended [resolved]

[Edit; refreezing and unfreezing the card makes it unblocked in android pay.]

I opened my android pay app, and saw that my monzo card is suspended and I should contact my card issuer,

Has anyone else had it? Why did this randomly happen, and I didnt get a notification from monzo or android pay.

maybe worth contacting in app customer operations through the chat function ?

Did you freeze your Monzo card at any point? That suspends your card.

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Did , waiting for a reply

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Don’t remember , but I definitely didn’t try to make a payment whilst it was frozen, would freezing for a few seconds( basically playing with it) cause it?

It has been reported in the community before. I don’t think it makes a difference how long it is frozen for

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That’s strange basically means that Google is checking the card every few mins.

I just froze my Monzo card the my default card switched from Monzo to Starling. I had set it to Monzo first to be sure.

It happens instantly when you freeze a Monzo card.
If you lock a Starling card nothing happens instantly, may be it will after some time

No, it means that when you freeze the card Monzo pushes a notification to Google which in turn pushes a notification to your phone to freeze the card in Android Pay. :slight_smile:

Are you sure, or is Starling simply not pushing through a notification to Google to notify you? Since all Android Pay transactions have to occur online, the card can still be frozen even if Android Pay doesn’t know it.

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So they should make it that it unblocks when you unfreeze…

They do, but there were bugs around that. I thought the bugs were fixed, though… maybe @RichardR knows more?

Edit - I just did some tests, froze and unfroze my card a few times on my iPhone while watching in Android Pay on my Android phone. It took 3-4 seconds for the suspended status to update pretty consistently, and I didn’t have it get stuck once. I see that cycling it again worked for you, so yay! I wonder if there are specific situations that cause it to stick frozen…

The bugs were fixed :slight_smile:

The only one I can think of is if the card is blocked?

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