Android Beta 1.5.3 update & Twilight app

Because I don’t want to be blinded whilst viewing the white background on my feed at 11PM? :stuck_out_tongue: It’s installed and in use for a reason, that reason doesn’t go away because apps don’t play nice. I had a similar issue with Stagecoach’s bus app and just uninstalled it.

I figure it might be useful to document my attempts to fix this manually:

  1. Grab APK ($ pm path + adb pull)

  2. Grab Apktool

  3. apktool d base.apk

  4. Strip the annoying attributes out with egrep -lRZ 'filterTouchesWhenObscured' base/ | xargs -0 -l sed -i -e 's/android:filterTouchesWhenObscured="true"//g'.

  5. Rebuild APK with apktool b base

  6. Use jarsigner and then zipalign to sign the APK with your own key and then correct the archive alignment. Something along the lines of jarsigner -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore some-keystore-file.keystore base.apk alias_name. zipalign works like zipalign -f 4 base.apk new.apk

  7. Uninstall the existing app, install patched version.

Proof it works: Video