An Update to Connected Accounts

I did this and it just loaded the old layout limited to 90 days. Despite me tapping the refresh button and it telling me it had updated.

I was about to post this here, went to make a brew instead, came back and it had updated. So for anyone else I guess you just have to give it about 10 minutes to update and pull in all the data.

Looks awesome by the way - great job :+1: Just need to be able to transfer money to it with a tap now :wink:


I want this so much :sweat_smile:


I really like that summary screen. Simple and effective.

Does the budgeting only work account to account then? Not overall across all accounts?

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Really nice to see some of these improvements happening within Monzo & Plus/Premium. For those of us not on either, is it possible to get some screenshots of what these changes are? (or is there any accompanying blog post or feature page on the site?)


Not… yet




Tom. You tease us.


We wanted to let the community know first! We know these updates have been hotly requested in here and we’d get some early users checking it out and sharing feedback. It’s also great to pick up any bugs we missed. We’re planning a bigger announcement in the next few weeks :slight_smile:


Are you working on adding other accounts soon?

My only bank account is Monzo and I have an Amazon new day credit card, so I can’t do anything with connected accounts


I’ve just noticed that the feed is showing a pending transaction (and in grey text) for my linked NatWest credit card now, it wasn’t doing that after a refresh & before I relinked it. Good stuff.

One thing it doesn’t recognise is transfers from my NatWest current account to my NatWest savings account, probably due to the fact that the savings account isn’t included in the accounts provided by NatWest. Still, it’s very good so far!

Edit: Ahh, it’s not a Faster Payments code, it’s some internal transfer code. Transfers to other accounts are shown as transfers, but this isn’t.


This is amazing - loving having the ability to categorise things in my external account, especially “Plus” custom categories.

It’s great, as that shows the capabilities exist to add categories to a non-Personal-Monzo account… And I have a renewed hope that I could have custom cats. on my Joint account too… Please

I would mirror all the things that @Alexxxxx said very well about future expansion, would love to see a unified feed.

And perhaps at the same time a unified Monzo → Google Sheets export? I’d have a renewed vigour in Dashboard Happiness if that happens!

Great update, going to try and make stuff break later.


:point_up: Same.

Great how connected accounts get more features in-app, makes Monzo more and more of a financial hub app.

So I get custom categories on my external accounts but not my :monzo: Joint Account? Oh, come on…


Nice, but TSB, Tesco not supported

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Unified feed + Google Sheets export + IFTTT = :100:



This may just have swayed me to become a Plustomer.


As a fairly new Plus adoptee, I’ve finally made use of custom categories now I can split my Tesco credit card buys into various bits (i only use that for Tesco shopping). Seeing it in the budget against that card is just what I needed.

The hard part is keeping it down to just a few, tempted to have fine grain budgeting to keep an eye on how many oven-ready meals I buy, but I think that’s just lockdown madness creeping in. Nobody needs to know that, least of all me. :eyes:

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Welcome aboard!

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Yep. It’s good to see work being done.

But until the feed shows more than six or so transactions for my credit card, it’s all a bit moot for me.

I’ve no idea if this is a Monzo issue, or Nationwide issue, to be fair.

If it helps, I have about fifteen categories for all sorts of peculiar spending scenarios.


I totally feel this :joy: really had to stop myself at one point. Think I’m at a fairly healthy level with my 50.

Which, side note…am I right in thinking 50 is the max? @tomdavies

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