Alternative to custom categories: Saved Searches / Tracking

Monzo have established that they won’t be implementing custom categories any time soon, which is a shame. However, some of the functionality of this feature is baked into the search tool, on iOS at least (please bring filtering to Android).

If I search ‘Caffe Nero’, with a ‘This Month’ filter, then I can see how much money I’ve spent at that particular merchant, which is really useful. However, let’s say I wanted to track similar expenditure at multiple merchants… I would have to do this across multiple searches and manually sum the totals. [TURNS OUT YOU CAN SEARCH MULTIPLE MERCHANTS… JUST TESTED ON MY iPAD].

How about the ability to search ‘Caffe Nero’ OR ‘Costa’ OR ‘Starbucks’ for example, to aggregate all spend at those merchants. [TURNS OUT YOU CAN ALREADY DO THIS ON iOS].

The ability to save this search, permanently within a separate screen, would be a brilliant way to allow users to continuously track their spending in a custom way. The great thing is, this seems like such an easy idea to implement!



I’ve just tried this. When you construct a search, a timer icon appears in the search field. Tapping this takes you to previous searches.


One thing I might’ve found: I constructed a search of both Pret and Costa and added Last Quarter as a term. Nothing was returned, despite a lot of spending at Pret. Perhaps this runs as an AND search, and didn’t display any results because there was no Costa data, so it didn’t return the Pret spending either?

If that makes sense, perhaps it should be an OR search?

Not sure I’ve made myself very clear…

I get you. I didn’t realise this was available. Especially as I am an Android user who just happens to have the app on his iPad.

I was thinking it would be handy to have a prominent screen showing preferred searches or ‘Trackers’, which continuously monitor and neatly summarise spending using the user-defined criteria.

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We’re continuing this here: Custom Tracking