" Active Card Check " Most Likely Fraudulent

What’s the story with all this then ? First I thought it was just people who have used Lyca before but this doesn’t seem to be the case. Monzo had a wee leak?

I’m still suspicious of a Lyca breach. Could be months or years before we’ll find out though. The trend was too consistent for it not to be. Particularly with the corresponding reports of Monzo proactively replacing cards that were also used with Lyca (in some cases solely).

It’s likely that a few folks in the same time frame will have been subject to the same issue but for something unrelated. Breaches happen all the time. As do BIN attacks.


I’ve never had a Lyca account, mostly because I’ve been with EE since before they were EE, so my shopify attempt could be a coincidental breach.

Note that we don’t seem to have anymore Lyca users reporting this issue now, whereas during that time period it was almost all of them

Despite Lyca only taking up 1% of the mobile market aswell… it seems like there are no more coincidentally Lyca users facing the issue this time

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Had one earlier on my PayPal account and I’ve not logged into that in months nor do I have any active subscriptions

I would expect a lot of these are just testing random card numbers. I had a pre-authorisation on a credit card I have exclusively used at petrol stations, and almost always with Apple Pay at that, so unless major petrol stations have skimmed and sold that card number from when I used the physical card, nobody other than me and RBS has that number. And yet I had a pre-authorisation from some random company on it.

Very unhappy to report they got me for £254 this afternoon!
I had 6 notifications of an active card check via my Apple Watch, opened the app to check and no sooner than I did 5 transactions went through for £42 each. I managed to freeze my card before the 6th attempt but I’m gutted.

Nothing to do with Lyca I don’t believe, as I’ve never used them, the transaction were all with ‘Oculus’.

Simply posting here to hopefully help. Disputed and reported with Monzo, Oculus are also looking into it.

Stay safe peeps

I had this random card check today from Shopify and cancelled my joint card. Seems may be a Shopify leak on a CS post in this:

I had a random Active card check from Shopify on my Personal (Max) account last week. Ignored it as I was on holiday at the time. I don’t recall ever using a shopify service or a service powered by shopify on my Personal account, so in the style of Toyah - :musical_note: “It’s a mystery”

But there’s obviously something behind it.

I’d cancel that card. Someone managed to take money from my account after I started getting active card checks.

Got it back in an instant, yay Monzo support, but it’s a bit of a worry.