✅ Ability to copy full card number from the app



No CVV? :thinking:


I remember mine and not showing it adds an extra layer of security :slight_smile: .

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Kind of missed my point though. I don’t use my card details enough at all to warrant remembering any of it (yes even 3 digits) — that’s the whole point of it being all in-app in my view. I’d still have to resort to writing the CVV in my notes or something.


Also doesnt look copy/pastable which is sad

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Yeah I agree - not much use without the CVV


I would say being able to view the CVV in app with Touch ID/Face ID authentication is more secure than the CVV being printed on the card.


I don’t want to jump the gun as this is only a preview, but I agree, not very useful without this functionality.


I’m not overally bothered if I can see the card number within the app, as I use Keychain in iOS to store my card number, but I can see why others may like this idea.

Keychain don’t allow you to store the CVV though for security reasons so maybe that’s why Monzo isn’t offering it either.

I store my cards in 1Password - you need a secure pin or Touch/FaceID to get in to it, but it will store the lot. CVC and all.


This has been rolled out to some people now - I’ve got access to it, and it works well. Shame the security code isn’t shown as well, but I remember that anyway…

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Yes, working for me too and surprisingly both my personal and joint account! Would almost have put money on this being a personal account only feature like most at first - perhaps a tide change on joint accounts soon getting parity???

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Has it just been rolled out to 15% of android users or a combination?

15% of everyone - regardless of platform.

With my cards saved on Keychain, I rename them to have the CCV as part of their ‘name’, so when I select it I see it. I have them all saved in 1Password too though which automatically fills in all the details including CCV, so the keychain is just a backup for the few occasions 1P isn’t working for whatever I’m doing.

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I have it :grin:


Cool idea, I’m stealing it :smiley:


Sounds like the I’m the only one that doesn’t have this :tired_face: #fomo

Never fear, I’m a numberless pleb too.


I also can’t view card number in the app :frowning: